On analysis of hydrolyzation and charge of the surface at the crystal layer edge, the isoelectric point has been confirmed. 研究结果对于排除端面水解作用对阳离子交换容量的影响和进一步确定蛭石晶层的层电荷具有重要的意义。
As determined by the ice crystal geometry, a bright gibbous Moon illuminates the scene from beyond the picture's right edge, 22 degrees from the lovely paraselene. 据冰晶的几何形状计算,照亮影像视野的明亮凸盈月,位在影像的右缘之外,与美丽的幻月相隔22度。
After studying the optical modulation characteristics of twisted nematic liquid crystal teveision ( LCTV), the edge enhancement of optical image is realized based on optical interference effect and correspondence between gray image and phase modulation. 通过对扭曲向列型液晶电视的光学调制特性研究,利用其位相调制模式下灰度图像与位相调制的映射关系和光学干涉效应,实现了实时光学图像边缘提取。
The exciton of the crystal and influence on the absorption edge 固体中的激子及其对吸收边光谱的影响
Employing the double doped Zn, Fe: LiNbO 3 crystal as a hologram storage medium, and the Cu: KNSBN crystal as a self pump phase conjugate mirror, all optical real time image edge enhancement has been realized. 用双掺杂Zn:Fe:LiNbO3晶体作全息记录介质,另一块Cu:KNSBN晶体作自泵浦位相共轭反射镜,实现了全光学实时图象边缘增强。
Employing a modified pocket liquid crystal black and white television, the preprocessor can perform contrast reverse and edge enhancement in real-time. 该预处理器采用一个经过改装的微型黑白液晶电视可进行电压控制的实时光学对比度翻转和边缘增强处理。
This Cr ∶ SBN crystal can be used as a model of optical dynamic filtering for image edge enhancement. 实验结果表明,Cr∶SBN晶体有可能成为一种用于图像边缘增强的光折变晶体动态滤波器。
In this paper, the author has researched the technology and techniques of single crystal diamond tools cutting edge grinding systematically, and ulteriorly brought forward the designing scheme of diamond tools cutting edge grinding machine tool, also presented the feasible research technologic approach. 本文针对天然单晶金刚石刀具刃磨技术及工艺进行了系统研究,并在研究基础上提出了金刚石刀具刃磨设备的设计方案,提出了切实可行的研究技术途径。
An optical binary image neighborhood processor based on a liquid crystal light valve is proposed. Using this processor, some morphological transformations such as dilation, erosion and edge detection have been implemented optically and the experimental results are given. 提出了基于液晶光阀的光学二值图像邻域处理器,利用它完成了扩、蚀和边缘检测等形态变换操作,并给出了实验结果。
Threshold of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Band Edge Laser 一维光子晶体带边激光器的阈值特性分析
When compared to unmodified TiO2, the/ TiO2 catalyst exhibited higher anatase content, smaller crystal size, higher specific surface area, centralized pore size distribution, and the blue-shifted band edge of Uv-vis adsorption spectra. 与TiO2相比,/TiO2光催化剂的锐钛矿含量高、晶粒小、BET比表面积大、孔径分布集中、光谱吸收边蓝移,具有优异的光催化氧化活性、稳定性及抗湿性能。
Crystal of partial TiO_2 changed from anatase to rutile in 600 ℃, which induced absorb edge of UV moved towards the visible light. 600℃时部分TiO2由锐钛矿转变为金红石相,使紫外光吸收线红移。
The results of calculation showed that crystallization was dependent upon diffusion and crystal grows thicker only after the crystal edge of plate-like crystals has touched each other. 计算数据说明,玻璃的析晶过程是由扩散过程控制的,晶体的生长是板片状晶体在晶棱接触后才增厚。
Distortion of crystal lattice, dislocation ( edge) defects, and superstructures exist in crystal lattice images of cryptomelane. 在锰钾矿的晶格像中,普遍存在晶格畸变、位错缺陷和超结构现象。
A Calculation of Quantum-mechanics for the Preferential Corrosion on the Crystal Edge of Bronze Alloy 青铜合金表面晶体棱角处优先生锈的量子力学证明
Compared with crystal silicon, porous silicon has a stronger optical absorption and blue shift has taken place at its absorption edge. 同单晶硅相比,其吸收边发生了蓝移,并且吸收强烈。
At the same time, as special "sensing elements", liquid crystal molecules have recently also been introduced in sensor fields and especially they are used to build liquid crystal biosensor in life sciences, bursting on the scene edge. 同时,作为特殊的敏感元件,液晶分子近年来也被引入传感器领域,尤其是生命科学研究中,用于构建液晶生物传感器,初露锋芒。
According to the Bloch theory, the photonic crystal band gap characteristics are analyzed with an analysis-method of edge forbidden band. Meanwhile, when the one-dimensional photonic crystal band gap position is analyzed, such an approach is easier than the transfer matrix. 3. 从布洛赫理论出发,用禁带边缘法分析了光子晶体的禁带特征,这种方法在分析一维光子晶体的禁带位置时比传输矩阵理论简单。
Scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) and atomic force microscopy ( AFM) showed that there existed three morphological features for hopper crystal: hollow, steps and raisings around the edge. 扫描电子显微镜和原子力显微镜显示倒料斗晶体具有三个形貌特征:凹陷,台阶和边缘的凸起。